Monday, August 28, 2006

Note to democrats. Lose the baggage.

My thoughts on this and this on the Huffington blog.

Oh please. First off your "I hope it doesn’t happen but" caveat was transparent BS. If it was something you never want to see happen. You'd have never brought this fantasy of yours up. Problem is, deep down, you do. You're so mind f*#ked by your deranged hatred of anything you perceive as "rightwing". That you'd apparently even consider the deaths of more Americans as acceptable collateral damage. If it meant you could extract out of the situation some sort of twisted sense of "victory" over the right. You're insane.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to win, even in partisan politics. There is something wrong when we've had war declared on us. By an enemy who’ve demonstrably shown they're willing to kill thousands of us. And the only "enemy" you see is anyone to your right. That’s why people question your motives and yes, your patriotism. Some of your fellow travelers complain that instead of ignoring or attacking some of these Middle Eastern regimes. We should try engagement. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and try a little of that at home a$$holes. Maybe instead of attack, vilify, demagogue, whine and offer no viable alternative strategy outside of "staying the course is not working." How bout something along the lines of "democracy project, great idea but your delivery sucks. Why don’t WE try something like.....?” Which means you'd have to get over your crazed vilification of so called neo-cons. Which as most of us know. Is nothing more than venom spit at a bunch of former dems. Who stepped off the reservation because your own far left wing nuts made it so the Liberal internationalists and the "Scoop Jackson" democrats were persona non grata in what was their own party. Lieberman being the last victim of this idiotic ideological purge.
Until the dems figure out that the enemy isn’t the right in America. But this fascist ideology that burrowed itself within Islam. The Repubs can continue screwing up, as they have, and you dems/lefties/what ever STILL are going to maintain minority political status. Don’t be fooled by polls showing you essentially even in the race for control of Congress. As pissed off as the electorate is over the handling of the war. And as pissed off as conservatives are over the issues of spending, immigration etc. This shouldn’t even be a race. It should be a route a la Reagan over Carter. But its not. What does that tell you about the lack of trust the electorate has with Democrats, their intentions and lack of message or clear agenda? It speaks volumes. And posts put up by this clearly unhinged author do nothing but reinforce that. People aren’t as dumb as some of you would like to think. They can see through the transparent caveats as well as the pathetic attempts at dissembling. As is the case with the authors follow up "yeah but.." post. Good God. All of us know what terror is. We saw it plainly and clearly 5 years ago this September. What kind of demented fool tries to put that in the same league as his partisan opinions on medical pot, global warming or abortion? Some one who clearly doesn’t get it. Until you people get in sync with what we, the public, perceive as terror and who the enemy is. We, the electorate, are going to question you motives and your patriotism. Hold our noses and vote for your opponents.
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