Monday, November 21, 2005

The exit strategy.

As annoying as it has become due to the level of dishonesty injected into the conversation by certain opponents of the war. The run up to the invasion is a perfectly legitimate subject for debate. And as contentious as it gets, ultimately serves to illustrate the strengths of democracy in a time when its important to contrast those strengths with the oppression our fascist enemies would impose if given the opportunity.
Where you would think everyone could understand that there is no debate is in how best to leave Iraq. Win. And do so decisively. Defining down “victory" so as to try and sell it as a win. Will have the same emboldening effect on the fascists as simply cutting and running.
People need to understand that, although we never hear of it in our press for reasons they make obvious everyday. The insurgency in Iraq is getting its butt kicked both militarily and politically. The only front in which, with the help of active collaborators as well as the well-meaning useful idiots, they've held their own and even gained advantage is on our home front. While, contrary to lefty conventional wisdom, Iraq bares little resemblance to Vietnam.
One similarity that does exist is the use of asymmetrical warfare tactics to do at home what couldn’t be achieved on the battlefield.
It’s in that context that well-intentioned critics of the war should carefully consider what they are saying and more importantly, why they are saying it. Are you really convinced there is no point in having or attempting to have a democratized Iraq? And for that matter the entire Middle East? Or are you just trying to stick it to Bush and have not thought out the human cost of your selfish endeavor?

(On a side note because I know someone is pondering using the “no democracy from a gun” retort. - for those who would claim democracy comes not from the barrel of a gun – you obviously forget that if the democracy wasn’t born from the barrel of a gun as ours was. Then in order that it may continue to exist. The barrel of the gun successfully defended democracy.. Typically the leftist contention, in this regard, is nothing more than high-minded but completely hollow rhetoric. An excellent demonstration of that tried and true Leftist tactic. – Quickly try to take the moral high ground so you can lie more effectively from it.)

Returning to my main point – Those of us who support the effort should recognize that many of those pushing for an immediate pull out don’t do so out of any love of country and concern for members of its military. To the contrary. In the short term, they share common cause with al qeada. And if they cant succeed in totally collapsing public support for the war and convince it that an immediate pull out should happen. When our troops are, for the most part, finally out. When the Iraqis are holding their own – albeit with massive financial support from us. Those who couldn’t convince us to pull out will take a page straight out of the Leftist sedition playbook. They’ll lobby the democrats in congress long and hard to pull the rug out from under Iraq by stopping the US from financially supporting them. As was successfully done to the South Vietnamese after our pull out and when they too were successfully holding their own. Due in large part to the financial assistance we gave them.
The sellout and betrayal of the Vietnamese by the democrats in congress came at an eventual cost in lives of some 2 million Vietnamese people. A number that would likely be dwarfed if allowed to happen again with Iraq. It cannot be allowed to happen to anyone else again.
It’s in that context that I say to the supporters of Iraq’s liberation. Don’t bother being so gung ho in your support unless you’re willing to put your money where your mouth is. When and if it comes time to go to the mat in putting a stop to the efforts of those who have been trying to undermine the liberation of Iraq specifically and the war on terror in general since day one.
Words of support are nice. But in this case, useless unless they can be backed up. Because success against the fascists in Iraq and elsewhere. Is going to totally hinge upon success against their collaborators and enablers here at home.
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