Saturday, July 28, 2007

City Talking

Mid-day. A balmy summer afternoon in the city's financial heart.
A man and a woman, dear friends, meet for lunch on a sidewalk bench.
Completing the opening platitudes. The man begins describing the state of his emotional well being. And how it is he has come to such a point. The woman, clearly interested, listens. Transfixed on each and every word the man speaks. Until he finishes. She then proceeds to rhetorically bitch slap the man for allowing himself to act out in ways she believes to be beneath his intellect. He laughs, muttering, "Therein lay the problem." "What use could even the most powerful intellect be upon the one state that exists completely outside of logic and reason?"
She scowls. Indicating he isn't getting out of his lecture so easily. So he sits, listening to what she has to say. Her opinion is to him, as is his to her, gospel.
With the afternoon break coming to an end. Both stand, embrace, say their goodbyes to one and other and begin off in their different directions.
When about 60 feet separate them. The woman stops, turns and calls out to her friend, "Miguel!" Miguel!".... "Yo!".. "Mike!" He stops, turns in her direction and shouts out, "Whatsup Kat?". To which she inquires, "How long we known each other?". "20 years I guess" is his reply. Nodding her head agreeably she adds, "Yeah that's about right". He looks at her quizzically. She speaks up, "In all that time I don't think I've ever known you to get this sideways over anybody". Expressing solemn understanding upon his face, he nods his head in the affirmative. "In Fact" she continues "In twenty odd years I've never known you to allow yourself to become this emotionally worked up over anything or anyone at all, ever". Slowly, as if contemplating the accuracy of her words, he nods in agreement. From deep within her then erupts a single, heart felt laugh. Catching him completely by surprise. He looks up, head cocked, eyebrow raised, lips pursed. "What the fuck?" Written all across his face. To this his old friend responds. "You really, truly are in love with this woman aren't you Michael?"
A statement that causes some passersby to pop their heads up and smile. He looks down, smiles, and looks back up at this friend of two decades. Stating plainly "Yes." Then, after a pause. He shouts loudly and declaratively "Yes! I am very much in love with her!".


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