Friday, August 25, 2006

Push Back - Hard!

This is a revision of a post I left in the comments section of this blog. When surfing various blogs that are supportive of the liberation of Iraq, I often click on the comments link specifically to see what kind of grief the appeasniks might have given the author. As expected, they nearly always show up in typical form. I used to wonder why these people waste their time trying to flame anyone that doesn’t see the world their way. I mean, a normal human being comes across something they dislike and moves on. Not so for these folks. Every chance they get. They try to attack, shout down, belittle and demoralize others. I guess in that context one shouldn’t refer to them as appeasniks. Enablers would more befit their actions. Having said that it seems to me that those of us who aren’t in uniform and/or not serving in one way, shape or form and putting our asses on the line. Have a responsibility both to ourselves as a country and to the people overseas defending us. That responsibility is to put the appeasniks and enablers in check every chance we get. Too often our support comes in the form of more passive, personal means. Supporting our troops and their mission needs to be more than slapping a sticker on your car and the occasional comment in some online forum. Just look at how affective the enablers and appeasniks have been at waging a war of attrition through the use of constant attacks and negativity and wearing down public support. I'm loath to give those people any props. But they're committed, active, engaged and in your face.

They've got no central point of command or one all inspiring leader. But they're unified in purpose. And that purpose is to see us humiliated and weakened by collapsing support for our troops, their mission and forcing a withdrawal. In short. Their aim is our defeat. Some of us like to tell ourselves that some in the cut and run camp are well meaning, just misguided. My response to this is "Quit f#*king lying to yourselves!” Everyone.. And I mean everyone knows what’s at stake here. And what would be in store for both the Iraqis and this country if we were to pull out. No one advocating any of the withdrawal scenarios or "redefining victory" is well intentioned or misguided. They know damn well the results their suggestions would create. So I can think of a few more colorful descriptives besides well intentioned or misguided. Patriotic these people are not. So don’t be cowed into not questioning it under the guise of respecting their freedom to express themselves. Remember. They're using the very constitution our service men and women are fighting and dying to defend. To undermine it and the very institutions it created.

Many of these people have waged a sort of passive civil war on this country, its institutions and constitution for over 30 years. The purpose being to co-opt or eliminate those things which stand in the way of them imposing their vision of a more “progressive" form of government. A vision not shared by an electorate that repeatedly rebukes it. This war of sorts has been waged specifically to remove the obstacles that prevent them from getting around such things as the people and their will. Something consistent with this vision of a more “progressive” form of government seeing as it neither respects the people or their will.

It's time for some push-back people. And don’t hold your breath waiting for our representatives or what few voices we have in the press to start the process. If that’s the motivation you're waiting for ya may as well throw in the towel. This ones going to have to start with we the people.

To use a football analogy. They've got the ball, plenty of downs and they're on our 30 yard line. Its time for some D.

You rely on the military to keep their end up and protect your ass. Well its time to keep YOUR end up and defend the cause they're fighting and dying for.





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