Tuesday, October 12, 2004

When the name doesn't match the named

While talking about music today some how we got on the subject of genres we could do with out completely. For me its "happy hardcore". If there is an elevator to hell.. This will be the elevator music. If you've never been subjected to gabber grooves. Take your run of the mill dance track. Now speed it up by a factor of 10 to the 2nd power. Toss in a pedantic vocal about drugs or sex that's been pitched up 5 octaves & has the cadence of a speed freak and *Booyah!* you're ravin!
And coming soon to a bad idea near you.. Happy Hardcountry!!!

Anyway.. Back to my point. As you can see HHC is neither happy or hardcore.
Which got me to thinking about other names that don't work. Take "the loyal opposition" for instance. When is the last time that actually applied to the democrats? Ok so as a blanket statement that's not fair. You're right.. Let me correct that then.. Outside of Lieberman and Miller, when is the last time that term applied to the democrats? Unless were talkin about them opposing the creation of wealth OUTSIDE the purview of government or anything that might interfere with the contrived perpetual victimhood of their core constituency. The last time that term actually applied to them was probably just prior to Scoop Jackson's death. I'm thinking right up to the point at which that unfortunate event occurred. Hell at the rate those jackasses are going the term liberal isn't going to really apply either.
Which brings me to my last example. The Democratic Underground.
Puhleeez. Associating that den of iniquity with the term democratic is kinda like associating the term pacifist with Pol Pot. And leave it to a bunch of narcissists and nihilists to attempt to portray themselves as an underground movement by using the word underground in their name.

At that I need to bounce.. I just got my "I Love Halliburton" t-shirt. Think I'll take a stroll down Broadway and make a few moonbats and capitol hillbillys miserable. heh heh heh *evil grin*


Brother Waxwell gets his blog on. Now for my next trick...Having someone read it.
until then.. I guess I should put some thought into what the goals are going to be here at the Filth E. Waxwell school of advanced cat herding... Definitely something Ill have to come back to..Often.

Parting wisdom.. Remember..If it walks like a duck, talks like a drunk and has more chins than a Chinese phone book....Unless manatees can walk..That's Ted Kennedy.

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