Thursday, October 21, 2004

Thoughts on what I thought

First off I wanna thank aus blog for being the first person to visit my blog and comment. Aus made some interesting points. First and least arguable being that the WOT is too big for one country and a handful of allies. True. And to that I would add too urgent to sit around and wait for the rest of the world to get it. Damned if we do and dead if we don’t. Kinda makes ya glad you’re not the guy in the Whitehouse making decisions guaranteed to piss someone off. Aus also brought up the idea of a world police run through the UN. An interesting idea that might be possible if the UN was a democratically empowered institution. Why can’t membership in the UN be predicated on people in individual countries having the ability to elect in a fair and democratic process a government to represent them? And if they're electing someone to represent them locally, why not elect the person who would represent them internationally via the UN? No free and fair elections no UN membership, no wto membership, no world bank loans, no preferred trading status and a guarantee that the UN member states are going to do all they can to bring un democratic countries into the fold. With or without the government currently in power. How long would the worlds tin pot dictators be able to stand up to that? Of course there couldn’t be countries like France working corrupt deals on the side propping the dictators up. As was the case with the UN oil for food program.

People refer to "international law" but the majority of what they are referring to are just commonly accepted ideas. Not legally binding concepts put together and agreed upon by an elected legislative body. In my mind how can anything be "law" that effects my actions both at home and abroad if it was not produced through the legislative process in which someone we've chosen as our representative has a say? Its not. It’s a decree. Sorry not gonna cut it. Some say removing Saddam broke international law. I say show me the legislation and the legislature that passed it as well as which legislator was my elected representative.
What’s that? That’s not how it works... You're right and it aint gonna work until what is commonly called international law carries the same weight and authority as real law. When that happens then we can start to talk about what we'll use for enforcement. To this end I'm liking bush's idea about creating a coalition of democratic states either in or out of the auspices of the UN. Considering the current state of the UN, the rampant corruption within it and the undemocratic forces that control it the idea is spot on.

A clarification on my day after post. I should point out that I don’t view all who opposed the Iraq war as neanderthals. Just those who opposed it in the manner I mentioned in my post. I can appreciate any principled opposition.. I just don’t view the actions of the Bush=Hitler crowd as principled.

B. Waxwell
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