Monday, December 12, 2005

Outrage of the Day

Played an afterhours club this weekend. Upon finishing my set, I grabbed my double vodka & tonic breakfast and had a seat in a booth with a friend who works as an aid for one of our US representatives. The conversation was about Iraq and how this friend, as well as many of his colleages back in DC, had a new found respect for the military. Due, in part, to the ability of our soldiers to take the initiative to handle eveything from infrastructure reconstruction to one on one administrative duties. And all that ON TOP of their war fighting responsibilities. "They really are pulling off some amazing things over there..." He said finally. Then adding "But dont expect to hear that from any of our guys...Not while theres mid term elections to win and a Republican President to bring down...".

What was truly sad was that we at the table could all see and hear how put off by the whole affair this life long, loyal democrat was.
I really wanted to tell him that the party he was loyal to wasnt the same party we all embraced or respected at one point in time.
But he knows.. He just needs to get past the denial anyone goes through when gradually realizing that the thing they've invested so much of themselves into isnt what it used to be or what you intended it to be at all.

When he does - we'll be there for him.
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