Friday, November 04, 2005

People arent really that clueless... are they?

My thoughts upon reading this piece in the wapo blog as well as the comments to it.

What a bunch of clueless, paranoid, politically vapid do-nothings.
If most of you ever got up off your couch and actively pursued learning about any of the subject matter relating to what’s covered in this story. You be embarrassed over how so many of the comments here give the impression that the commenter is somehow divorced from reality. The exceptions being the commenter from Venezuela and who ever left the novella detailing some of Venezuela’s tragic realities
Much of what is being posted here follows a common theme - which is itself based upon a theme.. Not reality. That being empire. Empire as it pertains to the US is a political theme originally intended to refer to the actions and effects of both public and private US interests world wide. A kind of lazy way to define something that had yet been properly defined and given its own unique terminology. Unfortunately the word empire has been used so much, repeated so often, in so many different and mostly incorrect contexts that its now used and referred to in a way that would imply we are pursuing or have something in common with the colonial empires of old. This is so flat out not the case or even possible as to be laughable. Furthermore - any halfwit with remedial reading skills could read up on the subject and soon discover that American society and civic order is in no way set up or conducive to pursuing or supporting any thing remotely resembling an actual empire. Never mind the political process that puts a maximum 8-year life span on any charitable or nefarious designs the party in power might have in mind.
Seen in that light…Is there any comment more vacant than "Bush's war for empire.."? Yeah, ok. And when his term is up and the successor is his political opposite - we spend the next 8 years giving it back..right? Or let me guess.. Bush runs it and steals everything from his ranch in Texas. Or was that Cheney’s ranch I Wyoming.. Or was that the head offices of Halliburton or.. Need I continue?
Which leads me to the other leg this epic ignorance stands upon. The conspiracy and the conspiratorial frame of mind. Believing such doesn’t give you insight into things others refuse to see - Sorry. Accepting and using conspiratorial reasoning to explain events is like hanging a neon sign above your head that reads "Hi! I'm Absolutely Clueless!!" Conspiracy theories evolve from people either lacking the knowledge or ability necessary to understand the world around them. It’s a process where gaps in a persons understanding are filled with embellishments of a subjective nature. It’s taking an assumption to the lunatic fringe.

The final car in this intellectual train wreck is the way so many perceive world events and define them down to being the product of individual personalities. Bush this. Chavez that. As if the events these people involved themselves with occurred in a vacuum. Instead of being the product of a confluence of events set in motion by the actions of countless numbers of people. Including ourselves.
Which, I imagine, goes to the root cause behind why so many willfully pull the blinders on and personalize global events. Doing so avoids having to ask oneself what their own contribution to the situation might have been. Why step up, take responsibility and consider making the real changes (that start with yourself) that could lead to real solutions. When you can "blame Bush" and go on doing whatever it is you've always done. Which may have included demanding change - but let’s be real - it’s always in the context of someone else changing to be more like you..

How "progressive".

And people complain that the political process is broken... Yeah it is. Wanna see which part needs fixing? Go look in a mirror.



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