Thursday, October 28, 2004

If you could see the things these eyes have seen....

On second thought maybe I wouldn’t want to share some of that.. heh..

I'm watching TV and on FOX is a person speaking on behalf of the DNC that I've had the opportunity to socialize with privately. The person is towing the party line. You know he thinks the republicans are guilty of everything this side of the crucifixion of Christ. The dems care and are sensitive to people’s needs he claims. Problem is.... I know what he really believes; I know what he really thinks about J.Q. Public. This man is so full of shit that I'm actually impressed he manages to say the things he does and keep a straight face. And he's not alone when it comes to having that specific talent.

The entertainment industry in which I work, while being large, at a certain level still has this dynamic to it where it seems as though just about everyone knows or has heard of everyone else. This is because so many people from various parts of the industry cross paths so often professionally I believe. And as it’s an industry that touches the lives of damn near everybody. The ability to come in contact with people from various walks of life is enormous. Not least of which being political operatives and politicians.

For well over a decade I've had the opportunity to schmooze with left leaning people of every stripe. All freely and eagerly share their thoughts with me under the assumption that I share their sentiments. To be clear. Never have I, through word or deed, done something to encourage or perpetuate this misconception. Put quite simply - what perpetuates it is their arrogance and sense of self-righteousness. You see I'm quite a reasonable person, even when arguing an opposing point of view or playing devils advocate. I associate with the right people and I'm 20 years in the biz. So naturally I MUST be family.

This is, in part, what I've learned from them:

They have no concern for or desire to entertain the opinions and Ideas of others if they conflict with those of their own. The concept of diversity is a hollow political gimmick for them. They believe in it only so far as it attracts people to what they are attempting to do politically. Other than that if you think different, there’s something wrong with your head. If you look different, you’re someone to pity and shove off into a program that does for you what obviously you are incapable of doing for yourself. Their concern is not one born out of respect but of pity. They’re desire to help isn’t altruistic in nature, it’s the outstretched hand of the person there to help only so long as there are people there to notice he’s helping. Assistance programs aren’t an extension of any desire to see those in need get a leg up and out of their predicament; they pacify the unruly through perpetual dependency while creating a jobs program for a needed political constituency. In short they are the most racist, opportunistic, cold-blooded fascists you’ll ever meet. Publicly they present themselves as defenders of the poor and members of the party of the common man. And I’m not referring to republicans or greens or libertarians or even socialists. Scoop Jackson must be spinning in his grave over what has become of the Democratic Party.



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