Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The Day After

I imagine I'm not alone in wanting the election to be done and over with already. Every four years elections have just served to remind me that, in varying degrees, a good portion of my neighbors are divorced from reality. That said, I have to admit to being blown away by the lunacy on display this go 'round. Think about it - A group of people who consider themselves enlightened and concerned for the plight of the oppressed. Stood in opposition to 50 million people realizing self determination, stood in support of two of the most ruthless regimes on earth, claimed to be outraged at the loss of innocent life lost while removing those regimes but couldn’t find it in em to be concerned about the fact that, on a yearly basis, the regimes in question murdered tens of thousands of innocents. Topping it all off these same people called the people responsible for removing the regimes fascists and war criminals and the act of removing those regimes unnecessary. But to my knowledge this same group had never demonstrated against the regimes that were removed, referred to the leaders of those regimes as fascists or criminals, nor have they rallied to demand those regimes be removed.
In short these people are repugnant, degenerate trash. Nihilists, narcissists and sycophants.
Clearly not sane much less rational. So what should we expect from these creatures if and when Bush wins?



Blogger Unknown said...

I agree we should free the oppressed.Human rights for all.Also their are a lot of old customes or traditions
still being practiced today that surely belong in the
dark ages,- honor killings,female circumsism ,the list goes on and on.Also there are the millions of people starving to death and the indiference of their governments who spend all the money on pallaces or millitary, statues of themselves ect. Not to mention how much would end up in forien bank accounts.

No comunity could survive without police.I see the world as a large community of countries and cultures,
WE NEED A WORLD POLICE.Even leaders of countries are entitled to their day in court. The United Nations need to have a good look at themselves, they need to take charge, form an armed force so large that no country would oppose it. And if their leader is just that crazy
maybe the people closest to him will have the sence to jump him shoot him or do what ever nessesary to comply.
If all countries alocated half of their armed forces and equipement(with ongoing funding)to become part of the UN force.The other half to defend their own shores.
I think the mere formation of such a force would cause a lot of countries to rethink and adjust to more civilised ways.
A lot might be acheived without a shot being fired.
Having said that, this force would need to mean business, if that was required.

4:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


4:18 AM  

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