Friday, October 28, 2005

How to advertise your cluelessness to others. (or overheard when two moonbats were talking during lunch)

I love how, for lack of an ability to comprehend what’s going on. People either fall back on a familiar theme - "Vietnam" - or fill the gaps of their understanding in with theories of a conspiratorial nature. It's like hanging a big neon sign above your head that says " Hi! I'm clueless!".
What’s truly amazing in this age of the Internet is how clueless people can come together & share their themes and conspiracies with each other. To the extent that the conversations repetition gives these themes and conspiracies the illusion of substance. (When used for propaganda this technique is referred to as "The Big Lie") Eventually many of these people act out in the real world as a result of these artificial constructs. Leaving some of us wondering if they're insane… or just Leftists.

Without going into the myriad of conspiratorial nonsense and half-witted themes being thrown about. I'm going to drop my 2 cents on some I overheard while at lunch today. As fate would have it. I was seated in a booth next to a couple of raving moroon lefties.
It shouldn’t take a genius to figure out which theme or conspiracy my comments are directed at. Seeing as they've all been beat into the ground by every half-witted appeasnik on earth.

What if -
The only substantive resemblance Iraq has to Vietnam is in the way the press conforms facts to fit within a theme they've decided best describes the larger event. (Think Tet and how the press characterized it as a defeat for the US when it turned out to be a complete route of the north and VC)

What if -
The Americans have decided to put their money where their mouth is. Decades of talk about freedom while propping up dictators culminate in 9-11. And people are supposed to be surprised they decided to do an about face with their foreign policy after all that?
The only surprise was when the US found out the rest of the planet either didn’t care about the whole concept. Or was on the payroll (oil for food) of the worst dictator of em all. And didn’t intend to interrupt their cash flow for something so mundane as freedom and democracy.. And WMD? These same folks had no worries about what weapons he may have - hell they sold most of em to him. Why should they worry? So, while the Americans tried to cobble together a coalition of the willing. The others, led by France and Germany - and joined by such loyal friends, allies and neighbors as Canada - gathered up a coalition of the complicit. Then proceeded to defend the sovereign rights of a fascist mass murderer by claiming an invasion and removal of said mass murderer would violate international law.
At which point the Americans (rightly) told everyone where they could stick their international law and the rest is history unfolding still.

Another Vietnam? Hardly.

What we’re most likely going to see within 10 years are a handful of states with representative governments either in place or in transition. And the effect those have on their neighboring thugacracies. The last hold out will of course be Iran. Which will collapse from the inside when its people finally sense they have the support within the Islamic world to remove the mullahs.

What makes me so sure such scenarios have a better chance of playing out than say, "Bush did it to enrich himself and his rich buddies?" Because the premise for each is based upon tangible, real world events and experience. I'll continue to regard the many cosmic cabal conspiracies and themes as the rantings of those too ignorant to comprehend much. So they're forced to embellish their limited understanding with subjective ideas and concepts that give what would otherwise be mysteries to these people - meaning.
Unless someone would like to explain something such as; How Bush is supposed to profit from a scheme that would obviously take years to unfold when he's term limited to 8 years? The operating principle behind the “Bush did it for oil, cash etc” theme is that he can get away with it due to his position as president. How’s this supposed to go down when he's a private citizen? What if his successor takes a totally opposite approach? There are so many unknown quantities that cannot be overcome if you were to try and plan something like the conspiracy theorists claim was the case as to make it functionally impossible.
Or did you guys not think that far out? Seeing as the conspiracy was something to explain what you don’t understand in the here and now - and naturally wouldn’t address the future.

And if it’s all about oil – why send troops half way around the world when Alberta is just across the border? Why not engineer a scenario where Alberta cedes itself to the US? C’mon guys – you seem to have this guy putting together a complex scheme to take Iraq.. Why not something much simpler like Alberta? Hmmm? (No I won’t hold my breath waiting for a sane answer on that)

So what happens down the road when reality and conspiracy don’t match? Do you seek therapy? And how will it feel to know your own delusion had you take a position that - had it carried the day - would have doomed 25 million people to a future under a fascist mass murders boot?
Or have you not bothered thinking past your immediate desire to be vindicated and see someone stick it to Bush?

One last thing. What's it say about where a person's head is at when they bristle at the thought of the US taking down either the Iranian or Syrian regime? Practicality aside - is there any sane reason a person WOULDNT want to see both of those regimes go the way of Saddam?
You'd think after the Lefts embarrassing embrace of communism and the last century's mass murderers hall of fame. (Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot.. for starters) that they'd be extra leery of throwing their support behind the Saddams and Assads of the world just because they stand in opposition to the US.




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