Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Back to the, back to the, back to the - Program......

Seemingly pointless but profoundly true observation of the day - Chicks at drum and bass parties are fucking hot. Period. No argument. Anyone daring to try is obviously a woman who has never been to a drum and bass party.

So I started this thing about a year ago with all these grand aspirations. And, as is obvious. Fucked it off. I'd give ya some excuse about how, leading into the election, I was so taxed by all the moonbat political idiocy that my desire to engage in any conversation on the matter was nil. Which was true. And if anyone reading this lives in Seattle as I do. They'd know that the moonbats are notoriously thick up here. While it might be partly true about not wanting to engage in conversations political. I did thoroughly enjoy vigorously offending the political sensibilities of as many capitol hillbillies (see resident of Seattle’s capitol hill area), leftiloons (resident of Fremont) and moonbats as possible. All one need do to accomplish that in the Soviet of Seattle is celebrate the spirit of the 1st amendment and express yourself. In this case by wearing the occasional t-shirt with "I *heart* Halliburton or "I neutered my cat, now he's a liberal emblazoned across the front. The real crowd pleasers (sarcasm) with out question had to be the two t-shirts I bought off of "Allah’s" now, sadly, defunct website. (Can we all agree that the web is a boring place with out the destroyer of fascist apologists posting anymore *sniffle*) Specifically the shirt with that mass murdering hero of the Left - Che - with a circle with a line through it superimposed over his face. That got double takes; sneers and occasionally a progressive would want to know what "all that was about". Which, of course, gave me the opportunity to explain how dear Dr.Geuvera didn’t always stick to that Hippocratic oath he took. Tipping point for em being the question - Do you believe G.W. Bush to be guilty of committing a crime because of his role in operations that, intentionally or not, brought death to civilians. To which the progressive would enthusiastically agree - yes, absolutely. Then, I would ask. Why not Che? Both arguably did so while pursuing revolutionary change of government in different countries. Both, arguably, had the support of people with in those countries to do so. Successfully in one for GW, the jury being still out for his other endeavor of course. The comparisons - as well as differences are many but the bottom line remains the same. In pursuing their political ends, civilians died. I would argue - successfully - that they died as a result of specifically being targeted on the part of Che. And as a result of their proximity to the specific target on the part of Bush. But, in the end. Dead is Dead. Anyway - More than once after such encounters was I witness to that rarest of all glorious moments in the life of a soon to be recovering Leftist. The mugging by reality. I have to come clean and admit that - after experiencing the near orgasmic sense of elation and semi detached weightlessness that accompanies helping your fellow human being do the political equivalent of learning how to stand upright and walk. I became - or have become - somewhat, well some would say more than somewhat - addicted to it. Some smoke crack, pot or meth to achieve their desired high. I smoke Leftists. The delusional kind, fresh from university, cut with plenty of PC and fully indoctrinated are the bomb. That shit right there will get you fuuuuucked up. You'll be feeling so damn accomplished you wont wanna get off your ass and do anything for a week. I'm tellin ya bro.. Its the shiznitski.. Damn ...see just talking about that shit gets me jonesin' for a hit. I'm gonna have to cut this short and put on the other shirt I was talking about and head up to C.H. and score me some Lib.
Oh yeah, That other shirt has a poem of sorts across the front that I'm assuming was written by the almighty Allah pundit and it goes as follows;

Jihad Prints In The Sand.

One night a shahid had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with Allah.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. During each scene he saw two sets of footprints in the sand. One belonging to him and the other to Allah. However, during the last, most desperate scene, he saw there was only one set of footprints. This troubled him and he turned to Allah and said,

"Allah! You swore that once I decided to follow you, you would never leave me. Why then, in my darkest hour, was there only one set of footprints in the sand?"

Allah smiled at him. "O glorious shahid, I love you and would never leave you. During your time of trial and suffering, when you saw only one set of footprints, it was because the bomb you detonated on that bus blew your fucking feet off. It was then that I carried you. In glad bags."

That, by far, is the most effective way to cause discomfort in a moonbat colony. Something about the cold hard truth conveyed in the humor induces apoplectic convulsions and massive psychosis, resulting in unintelligible shrieks and ranting in moonbats and fellow travelers.

There is one more item that has more effect on the moonbat. But even I hesitate to use it often due to the complete and total meltdown it induces. That item would be the baseball cap I got from a buddy serving in the navy. Its decorated in the Navy way. Along with the name and insignia of the aircraft carrier he serves aboard embroidered across the front. USS Ronald Reagan. CVN 76.
As you might imagine the mere sight of the words Ronald Reagan causes complete pandemonium in a moonbat colony. It’s not a pretty sight. And as much as I enjoy and fully endorse visiting some forms of torture upon moonbats. Even I have my limits.

So as you can see - it wasn’t as though I was shirking from my duties by not blogging. I just chose to pursue them by other means. But now I think I'll try and get back to what I originally intended to do with this here blog.
Besides, They’ve got signs up around Cap hill with my mug on it and the words "reword" and "wanted" followed by "dead preferably" above it.. So maybe I'll pursue my hobby of antagonizing moonbats from home for a while.



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