Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The family tree that looks like a stick.

Warning.. If you're one of those thin skinned, PC, university-humanities-course-indoctrinated pinheads that insists all human beings are the same while ignoring all relevant data stating the contrary. Stop reading here. Move along, there's nothing for you to see. Please continue on with your previous delusion.

Most people are familiar with the Darwinian theory on evolution. Most accept that a species succeeds in part because of its ability to adapt and over come the various obstacles nature has thrown at it over the many millions of years its taken for the species to evolve to it current state. The mentally and/or physically strong will prevail while those lacking such qualities will not. A simple enough concept to understand and accept as possible.
That is as long as the list of species you are applying it to do not include the branch of the homo sapiens family commonly referred to as human.

With every other species the prolific breeders are those that demonstrate the traits associated with strength. These are the characteristics most likely to contribute to the overall health and success of the species upon the addition of those traits to the gene pool. Apparently this isn’t the case with humans. Our most prolific breeders quite often display traits that imply a reduced mental capacity. In terms of strength and genetic contribution. This is to humans what lack of physical prowess is in the animal kingdom.
Some indicators are such things as poor decision-making regarding choice of mate, personal health & wellbeing, habitat and home. To be clear I’m not referring to these choices made in the singular sense. Mistakes are a natural and integral part of mastering evolutions learning curve. The choices I refer to are repeated time and again through out the life of the person making them. Implying that the learning curve I just referred to is beyond their ability to understand and adapt to. In the animal world when this occurs the afflicted more than likely becomes another creatures dinner. Regardless of what becomes of it. The fact of the matter is the dumb animal is somehow removed from the gene pool thereby preventing the creature from contributing to the gene pool and weakening it.

Compounding this challenge to the human gene pool is the fact that when two individuals that display these weak genetic characteristics reproduce. Aside from guarantying the continuation of those negative, regressive genetic traits and as a direct result of the parents' weak genetic profile contributing to their own behavioral disorders, the offspring quite often are raised in a completely dysfunctional environment. Retarding the offspring’s emotional, psychological and intellectual development and all but guaranteeing it continue the cycle of dysfunction if it procreates. Further contributing negatively to the human condition.

That this occurs and we have evolved such as we have is completely opposite the theory put forth by Darwin in regards to species evolution. Considering ours is the dominant and (supposedly) most developed species on the planet. One has to wonder if it was a fluke or if its proof Darwin and all who followed him missed something.

By now you're more than likely asking yourself "Why this rant that’s uncomfortably close to Brother Waxwell saying - Bring on Gattica! Now!!”

The best way I can answer that is to ask this:

Have you ever had the experience of waiting in line at the check stand behind the single mother, looking 20 years past her age, towing along 4 unkempt kids - Half of which look to be related solely through their mother who also happens to be 8 months along with another? If you have then you can empathize with me when I say that after about 10 minutes of enduring “I said no…” “What did I tell you about....” “get your hands out of that...” “don’t make me..” all delivered in a vernacular familiar to most long haul truckers and interspersed with various slaps, swats and blows to the children’s bodies when the opportunity presented itself. I was about to start working the line behind me. Collecting money to go towards voluntary sterilization with more money to come as a reward upon the operations completion if the woman would agree to it.



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